Linha de separação

3 de junho de 2018

Operações de provocação e propaganda

As autoridades da Ucrânia conceberam e difundiram o falso assassinato do jornalista russo  que agora agora apareceu vivo sorridente e a dar entrevistas , acusando   na altura , a Rússia e Pútin de estarem por detrás da sua morte.
As mesmas autoridades e governo que está por detrás do derrube do avião MH17   com as mesmas acusações a Moscovo , acompanhadas pelos serviços secretos ocidentais.

On the MH17 incident, Russia has vehemently denied any involvement in the passenger plane’s downing. Moscow says its own investigation into the incident points to the Kiev regime’s armed forces as being responsible, possibly using their stock of Soviet-era Buk anti-aircraft missiles. Significantly, Russia’s investigative results have been spurned by the JIT, while Moscow’s offers of contributing to the probe have been rebuffed. As in the Skripal affair, where the British authorities have also refused Russia’s offers of joint investigation, or Russia’s ability to independently verify the supposedly incriminating data.
What we are seeing here is a choreographed sequence trying to give the public impression that developments in the probe are taking a natural course based on “evidence” imputing blame to Russia. The same technique of media psychological operation can be seen in the Skripal poisoning affair in which Moscow is blamed for trying to assassinate a former spy in England. Allegations, purported evidence, and then sanctions (expulsion of Russian diplomats) all follow a choreographed sequence.

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